MawMo's Blog

Mri <3

Musica Musica: Ratatat,  Beatles,  Cake,  Ne-yo,  Oldies,  And i pay more attention to the lyrics and beat of a song,  i pick seperate songs alot. My feel good song is Tainted love by Soft Cell,  and I'm kinda into electronica rite now XD

Mooovies: My movies i would watch again and again and again are Big Fish, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Somewhere in Time, the Harry Potters, 27 Dresses, 10000 BC, and Enchanted April.

Telivishun: My favorite ever television shows are The Office, Psych, SYTYCD, Project Runway, Will and Grace, Seinfeld, Scrubs, and The Addams Family (which i watch online at


I really hate telling about myself, cause i just think that i'm not so special. i like old movies, and old music, i enjoy laying around, but love going out for long walks and sleeping actually makes me happy. :P I don't really like to talk all the time, i'm quiet sometimes, usually when I am alone. But with friends I'm CRAZY MC CRAZMUFFIN!

I believe...
Laughing is ALWAYS the best medicine
having friends can substitute for love
caring is a gift, NOT a curse
the most embarrassing moments make great stories after
we are ALWAYS dying, so live like time is running out!
beauty really is inside, especially when your a teen!
Love comes in 4 different forms: Family, Friends, Soulmate, and self.

MY FRIENDS ROCK! <3 PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket